August 18, 2009

The Lesson

Nobody could have told us what this experience would mean in our lives. It would not have been possible for anyone to say how living in Jaco would change our lives.

Now, only a few hours before leaving this place, we can understand only a small bit of how we ourselves, have changes by living here. Jaco has taught us so much about who both of us are, how we see the world and what we choose to do as we move forward.

I believe that both us of will embrace life with more vigor and passion than we have ever before. Maybe after being home we will drastically change our direction in life.

Where else will we be able to feel so much like ourselves? Where else will we sweat so much that we feel alive? Where else will we see nature in it's most virgin state? Will there be another time in our lives where we will experience such new and scary things that we will be challenged to look for the best in each other?

Travel, culture and language differences have opened our eyes to another world. And that's what we came here to accomplish. We came here with no preconceived notions, no expectations, other than to live and enjoy life in another part of the world. And after 37 days in Jaco, we can both say with pure conviction that we 100% accomplished our goal. We accomplished more than we could have imagined.

I think that we won't truly know what we accomplished until we have been home for a few days, or a few weeks, and we can honestly look back on our experience and draw the meaning from it.

It's something that only Stacy and I can know. An experience that even after talking about it on multiple occasions, and telling our stories, only the two of us will truly understand it.


  1. Wow - agreed 100%. It's an experience that only the two of you will fully understand (well, plus those you met in Costa Rica along the way, who were experiencing a similar adventure). It was fun following you guys and I wish, for your sake, you could stay longer. But I'm excited to see your tan little selves! :)

  2. I'm sad that you're not "living" in Costa Rica anymore! I truly enjoyed your blogs and pictures on FB! I can't wait to hear stories about your experiences and your newfound views on living life. It is amazing isn't it? Just stepping outside of our usual world into something different really brings on inspiration and courage to try more new things.

    I'm so happy that you both went (even though I don't know you Joanna, but I feel like I do now!). It was perfect timing in your lives for one reason or another and I thank you for sharing that with us.


    I love you guys!


  3. Hey I'm moving to Jaco in January and wanted to see if you could answer a question for me. On average how much were you spending per day? You seem to live the same lifestyle I plan on, in terms of eating out sometimes and enjoying drinks rather often. I'm 25 and moving there with my cousin, I'm hoping the fact that we don't speak spanish won't be a big issue. Hopefully after a few months I'll have it down. Any advice...

  4. Ryan, you are going to love it! If you want, give us your email and we can chat!
